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How To Choose The Right Extinguisher

5/29/2024 (Permalink)

Keeping a fire extinguisher in your home can save you and your property from a small fire. However, there is a wide selection of fire extinguishers to choose from and they are all intended to be used for different fires. 

Extinguisher Classes

Each class of extinguisher fights a different type of fire:

Class A: Wood, paper and trash
Class B: Grease, oil-based liquids and gasoline
Class C: Electrical equipment
Class D: Flammable metals
Class K: Animal and vegetable oils used in cooking

Household extinguishers are rated A, B or C. On the label, the numbers that precede the letters give the rating of the extinguisher's effectiveness against that type of fire. An extinguisher with a 4-B rating, for example, is more effective against a grease fire than one rated 2-B. Higher effectiveness usually means a higher-priced extinguisher. There is no number designation for Class C.

Extinguisher Sizes
You can choose your extinguisher size based on where you will use it. A 5-pound extinguisher is suited for a typical home fire and is easy to pick up and use. A 10-pound fire extinguisher is a good choice for the garage, where a fire may grow before you see it. You can also find stove-top extinguishers that mount above the range.

Best Extinguisher Locations
Safety experts recommend you keep an extinguisher on each floor of your home for maximum fire preparedness. The kitchen is an ideal place because of the enhanced risk of fire in that room. Keep the extinguisher where household members can reach it quickly and easily. The best location is near an exit if the fire gets out of control and you must evacuate.

Equipping your home with the right fire extinguisher can save your home and your family. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Clearing the Air: How SERVPRO® Eliminates Odors for Good!

5/10/2024 (Permalink)

Odors, it's a word that is not pleasing to the ear nor to the nose. Smelling an odor throughout your home or business can be intolerable, especially if you do not know where it is coming from. People often attempt to get rid of the odor by spraying air freshener and while it is a temporary fix, it does not completely eliminate the odor.

This is because they are simply masking the odor instead of eliminating it. Fortunately, SERVPRO specializes in eliminating persistent smells such as smoke, pet urine, and other foul scents whether it is inside or outside. Our advanced equipment allows us to target the source and leave your home or business smelling fresh. Here is how we do it in just 4 steps:

1. Remove the source of the odor. The odor removal process starts with identifying the source of the smell and removing it. If not removed, debris contaminated with odor-causing residues will continue to give off the odors which will interfere with the cleaning process.

2. Clean residues from surfaces. Once the source of the odor is removed, our technicians will properly clean the surfaces to deodorize them effectively using advanced equipment.

3. Re-create the conditions that caused odor penetration. Our technicians then distribute a deodorizer to the surface in a manner similar to the way the odor-causing substances penetrated the surface.

4. Seal Surfaces Exposed to Unpleasant Odors. This step is more for severe situations when an odor removal is impractical and the only solution is to seal the location where the odor is coming from.

SERVPRO’s priority is to leave your home or business smelling fresh and feeling clean.
Our uniquely trained professionals will identify the source of any foul odor and eliminate it from your home or business.

Inside or outside, you can count on SERVPRO for your odor elimination needs at any time of the day.